Health benefits for your baby
Touch is a form of communication and helps people connect with each other. Positive touch, such as hugging, holding and massage can help a baby to feel secure and strengthens the bond between them and their care giver.
The soothing and calming nature of baby massage can reduce your baby’s heart rate, which may lead to a better sleep pattern.
Skin and circulation
Massage can improve skin condition, particularly if your baby has dry, flaky skin, such as cradle cap.
It can increase and improve circulation, maintain muscle tone and improve flexibility.
Immune system
It can improve the general functioning of the immune system, and alleviate the symptoms of colds by loosening mucus.
Digestive system
Massage can regulate and strengthen the digestive system, which may reduce the discomfort of colic, wind and constipation.
Happiness and pain relief
It stimulates the production of oxytocin (the happy hormone, responsible for love and bonding) as well as reducing pain (such as teething pain).
Alleviating the symptoms of colic
The causes of colic are not really known; however, it is often thought to be related to the digestive system. Another possible cause is a combination of the baby’s temperament and an immature nervous system.
Whatever the cause, it can be a very upsetting and stressful time for parent and baby. Although massage cannot be done when baby is crying or during a bout of colic, abdominal massage can help regulate and strengthen the digestive system, alleviating wind, constipation and colic.
The colic massage sequence is taught as part of the group and 1:1 classes or can be delivered as a one off class.
Benefits of baby massage to you
Understanding your baby's needs
It allows you time to see and understand the non-verbal cues your baby uses to communicate with you, which in turn means you are more likely to be able to understand what your baby is trying ‘tell’ you. This can ease the stress of trying to work out what they want.
Relaxation and happiness
It gives you the opportunity to relax, whilst increasing your own oxytocin (happy hormone) levels. With the added bonus of time to enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee!
Breastfeeding support
It helps to encourage lactation, if you have chosen to breastfeed, through the stimulation of Prolactin.
Emotional wellbeing
Dedicating time to enhancing your bond with your baby, and making friends along the way is a great way of pro-actively choosing to look after your emotional wellbeing. It’s also a great way to share experiences with other parents and widen your support network.